AGRIMATCO (Agricultural Materials Company) began its activity in 1936 with its visionary founder, Khalil Miqdadi, who recognized the tremendous for Agricultural development in the Middle East. Thanks to the hard work of its founder the family business has grown onto international stage.
In 2016, the company has celebrated 80 years Anniversary. During this time, the company has changed 3 generations … The passion for agriculture and personal approach to the customer remain relevant and move the company to this day.
Today, the international AGRIMATCO group of companies brings together companies located in 48 countries.
Agrimatco in Armenia
Agrimatco Armenia, founded in 2007, is a part of a group of companies AGRIMATCO. The main activities of the company are to provide farmers with the best products for the development of its economy, namely in the following areas:
– Crop Protection
-Vegetable Seeds
-Agricultural tools
Agrimatco Armenia pays special attention to professional consultations by the company specialists on the efficient use of products and services in the field of technical service.